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Project presentation


      The aim of Bio4Build is to find and do bio-composite materials of vegetal fibers (from ligno-cellulose wastes, recovered carbon and paper and resins bio-binder with thermo-rigid properties obtained from bio-raficare processes of different biomass types). These materials will be tested for use in outside plating of buildings with a view to improving thermal insulation. It will be a focus on use of these bio-composite materials in a context of energy efficient management, in such a way that the solution found to be energy efficient, but also eco-friendly. In this area, development of materials, products and processes of the new generation, it is characterized by sustainability, eco-efficiency and the application of the green chemistry principles. In addition, the perspective of applying concepts of high eco-efficiency is highly dependent on market conditions and local regulations. The aim is to find suitable materials, which put it in a certain form to define new solutions that can complete and win markets, dominated at the present time of materials made exclusively of products of synthesis on the basis of petroleum. For this reason, research proposed to be carried out within this project by the need arrive at a solution based on an optimal balance of mass/energy/price, by taking into account experience of this project research team and innovative information in this field.                  Proposed research topic can be found at the border of the current economic interest: reduction of waste by recycling and using their energy potential, using of renewable resources, limiting consumption and energy loss of building and find alternative solutions for fossil fuels and raw materials resources. Thus, Bio4Build proposes to develop new bio-materials which allow a substantial improvement of energy performance of buildings, by means of scientific information transfer and inclusion of the socio-economic research results through planning and integrated behavior of users. Over the last years have been developed many types of bio-composite materials, most of them bio-fibers combinations such as:chenaf, flex, jute, fibers from pineapple leaves with synthetic polymers matrix. The composite materials natural-fiber polypropylene type or natural -polyester are not sufficiently "eco-friendly" because of hydrocarbons in composition and nature of non-biodegradable polymer matrix. Using natural fibers with polymers on the basis of bio-binders from renewable resources, part of these environmental problems will be solved. Bio4Build will promote and spread research and technological results of this project, including any new information gained in the various fields of expertise through collaboration with a view to improve the performance of sustainable materials. The project initiative will facilitate elaboration of new technologies that will be assessed for the purposes of placing on the market of these new and performance efficient materials from the cost point of view. The project results will be provided to urban planners, engineers, solution integrators, investors, manufacturers, associations of owners through modern tools of information providing.


                      BIO-COMPOSITE MATERIALS                                       FROM RENEWABLE RESOURCES

   ADVANCED RESEARCH AND SOLUTIONS FOR BUILDING THERMAL INSULATION IMPROVEMENT  Bio4Build                                                                                                    

 "Dunărea de Jos" University of  Galaţi

                                              Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy-Brăila

                                 Environmental, Engineering and Agriculture Department






1. Drawing up an innovative technological process for performing bio-composite materials with thermal insulating properties, able of carrying out technical and economic requirements of thermal outside insulation and for reduction of buildings’ energy losses;

2. Develop the concept and the validation of new performing composite materials (biodegradable, with high level of recycling) as an alternative to the fossil fuels materials, as a sandwich-panel structure able to provide mechanical strength, thermal insulating, sound proofing and buildings high durability:   

3. Environmental pollution reduction through:

          a. increasing of the exploitation rate of biomass from ligno-cellulose waste (shell of wood, annual plant, agricultural residues, secondary cellulose fibres);

          b. using the biomass residues to obtain chemical products with high added-value, such as polymeric matrix from composite materials structure;

          c. compliance with the European Directives requirements 96/61/CE regarding integrated pollution prevention and control and energy directives 2003/30/CE, 2001/77/CE and 2002/91/CE on the buildings energy performance.

4. Strengthening competitiveness of the research team through the development and the launch of a new biodegradable composite materials generation improved for actual industrial applications, with higher technical and economical performances than existing composite materials, which allow direct replacement of un-sustainable materials based on fossil fuels.

These aims are backed up by:

- The development of o lot of applications such as: environment protection (using the bio-refining process for converting the biomass into value-added materials); energy saving (using such composite materials for buildings thermal insulating will reduce the energy consumption for heating/cooling); innovative materials identification for construction obtained through low cost processing technologies;

- To solve several scientific problems related to the international expertise of the Bio4Build partners and the companies that they represent.

  Această lucrare a fost realizată prin programul Parteneriate in domenii prioritare-PN II, derulat cu sprijinul MEN-UEFISCDI, proiect nr. 93/2014

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