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Stage 1




The stage analysis on guidelines for the integration of the materials from renewable resources in new concepts of thermal insulation. The development of research protocol.

Activity 1.1

The study of the using stage of composite materials from renewable resources to thermal insulation of buildings.

Involved partners:

“Dunarea de Jos” University from Galati – Coordinator

“CERTINCON S.R.L.” Research centre – Partner 1

Activity 1.4

The study of the fibre and resins types used to produce the composite materials for thermal insulation of buildings

Involved partners:

“Dunarea de Jos” University from Galati – Coordinator

“Gheorghe Asachi” University from Iasi – Partner 1

Activity 1.2, 1.3 and 1.5

Activity II.1 (Partially) The structure and composite panel elements establishment: working surfaces, core structure, the mounting type

Activity III.2 (Partially) Testing in situ: the analysis of wall-panel system behaviour in different environment conditions and at mechanical actions, wind

Involved partners:

“Dunarea de Jos” University from Galati – Coordinator

“CERTINCON S.R.L.” Research centre – Partner 1

“Gheorghe Asachi” University from Iasi – Partner 2



     The materials with bio-composite structure used as thermal insulating materials for buildings and infrastructure are new and emergent materials, which can play a significant role in the next generation materials used in this field. The durable materials development, as an alternative to materials based on petroleum, are solutions sought to reduce petroleum import dependence, to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and to generate more economic opportunities for agriculture and forestry.The research availability for the purposes of identification of row materials from renewable sources and the development of sustainable materials type bio-composite provides the ability to protect the environment, to reduce the energy consumption (by their properties of thermal insulation and soundproofing) and to reduce the emission of volatile organic compounds. These new materials development consists of replacing the arming synthetic fibres with natural fibres and of replacing polymeric matrix from composite materials with bio-polymer type resins.In the project first stage has been carried out two documentary studies and a preliminary laboratory program regarding to composite material types from renewable resources used for building thermal insulations and to raw material types used for their production (with an emphasis on natural fibres and bio-composite matrix) in order to develop a flexible technology of obtaining composite panels (sandwich structure type) with good performance in the process of building thermal insulation.The research and studies focused on following activities:- The stage for the use of composite materials from renewable resources to buildings thermal insulation where types of materials currently used in this field have been highlighted, with an emphasis on bio-composite materials from natural fibres in ceramic or polymeric matrix and on their technical properties from the point of view of thermal insulation, phonic insulation, resistant to attack by environmental physical factors and microbiological factors;- Natural fibre types used to produce composite materials for building thermal insulations – with an emphasis on ligno-cellulose fibres- which are from annual plants and from agricultural waste (straws from cereals, linseed, hemp, etc), as well as on the macromolecular structure, mechanic and thermal properties and methods of change their surfaces for the purpose operability and improving ability of scattering in the polymeric matrix;- Types of polymers used to make composite materials for building thermal insulations in which they are revealed natural polymer performance in process of obtaining the composite materials for construction and also of the adhesives obtained from huge available biomass quantities in a variety of forms: carbohydrates, tannins and lignin. These types of polymers may wholly or partly replace ureo or melamin formaldehyde resins or generally speaking synthetic polymers, currently used to obtain composite materials used in constructions; - Preliminary trials for obtaining in the laboratory of composite materials structural elements. In this respect it has been carrying out a preliminary experimental program which aimed at assessing mechanic strength characteristics, water absorption and thermal conductivity of some composite materials obtained in the form of sheets of 200g/m from a mixture of secondary cellulose fibres and processed mineral wastes;- Preliminary results obtained will serve as the basis of establishing raw material types of composite material structure (faces and core) so that to be obtained desired properties from the point of view of thermal conductivity and resistance to the environmental factors (moisture, extreme temperature, etc).The documentary studies carried out within the framework of this stage will serve as the basis for defining directions of research in experimental applications that will be carried out in the next stages, in order to obtain sustainable composite structures, in correlation with the new techologies requirements of building thermal insulations. At this stage has been commenced the spreading and promoting action of project results through the project’s website construction ( and through project presentation into “Celuloza si hartie” journal (ISSN 1220-9848), vol. 63,3,2014,p.46), journal recognized CNCSIS.

                      BIO-COMPOSITE MATERIALS                                       FROM RENEWABLE RESOURCES

   ADVANCED RESEARCH AND SOLUTIONS FOR BUILDING THERMAL INSULATION IMPROVEMENT  Bio4Build                                                                                                    

 "Dunărea de Jos" University of  Galaţi

                                              Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy-Brăila

                                 Environmental, Engineering and Agriculture Department






  Această lucrare a fost realizată prin programul Parteneriate in domenii prioritare-PN II, derulat cu sprijinul MEN-UEFISCDI, proiect nr. 93/2014

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