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Estimated results

- A study of literature on composite materials from renewable resources, for building thermal insulations;

- A documentary study concerning the type of natural fibers and bio-resins used in the composite materials manufacture for constructions;

- Two experimental variants for working faces of the composite panel:

- Two experimental variants for core structure;

- Two versions of laboratory experimental for composite panel (sandwich structure type);

- An experimental composite panel type (sandwich structure type) tested in situ;

- A study on its impact on the environment of the proposed solution;

- A study for technical economic analysis;

- Three articles published in ISI/BDI indexed journals, two participations at international/national symposiums or conferences;

- A patent proposal.

                      BIO-COMPOSITE MATERIALS                                       FROM RENEWABLE RESOURCES

   ADVANCED RESEARCH AND SOLUTIONS FOR BUILDING THERMAL INSULATION IMPROVEMENT  Bio4Build                                                                                                    

 "Dunărea de Jos" University of  Galaţi

                                              Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy-Brăila

                                 Environmental, Engineering and Agriculture Department






  Această lucrare a fost realizată prin programul Parteneriate in domenii prioritare-PN II, derulat cu sprijinul MEN-UEFISCDI, proiect nr. 93/2014

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